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Earth Magick
  • Earth Magick

    Embrace the power of the modern witching hour and unearth your magick with this stunning beginners guide to witchcraft for wellbeing. Bought to you by the author of Natural Magick and Instagram sensation, The Witch of the Forest, learn about all new areas of witchcraft not yet covered in the series, and discover how you can use Earth Magick to keep yourself grounded in the 21st century.

    Learn the secrets of The Witch of the Forest in this stunning follow-up to Natural Magick, and channel the elemental forces which are all around you to master the practice of earth magick. Earth magick is all about understanding the elements which govern the world around us, connecting with the Earth and using its powers to thrive. From using the four elements - fire, air, water and earth - in spells, to learning about the powers of crystals and mastering the art of divination, this book will teach you everything you know about this ancient form of magick. Discover how to use simple witchcraft to boost your wellbeing, keep yourself grounded in the 21st century, and connect to your own natural seasons' in your life as well as in your craft. Perfect for budding beginners new to the spellbinding world of witchcraft, learn about:

    - Casting a circle and ritual basics,
    - Crystals and their magickal properties and uses,
    - Divination techniques such as using runes and divination dice,
    - Connecting with the energies of the four seasons, the four elements, and harnessing their power,
    - Connecting to your own natural seasons' in your life through your craft,
    - Reconnecting with your craft after a break,
    - Caring for your magickal energy if youre an empath, or are feeling drained,
    - Embracing your darker energies, and using shadow work for personal growth and transformation,
    - Wellbeing techniques for witches to help you manage your energy

    ... and more! Suitable for every type of witch and witchling - including those practicing in the broom closet - this book also includes a runes board on the back of the jacket that you can remove to help answer all your questions. The Earth is bursting with magickal energies and lessons to be learnt, and connecting with these can help your relationship with yourself, the people around you, and the natural world, blossom. Discover how to use witchcraft to connect more deeply with yourself, and and learn from the Earth how to bloom and thrive at your own pace!The Witch of the Forest's Guide to... series are a collection of guides to different areas of witchcraft, focusing on the relationship between magic, the natural world and the self. Each book discusses completely different elements of the natural world, and Earth Magick is full of techniques not mentioned in Natural Magick.

    About the Author

    Lindsay Squire is a practitioner of eclectic Witchcraft and is the Witch behind the popular Instagram account, @thewitchoftheforest. She has been walking her own spiritual path for over a decade, and is passionate about helping and empowering Witches at the beginning of their Witchcraft journeys. Lindsay lives in her home county of Yorkshire with her husband and their three mischievous cats, Luna, Salem, and Merlin.Viki Lester of Forensics & Flowers is an illustrator from London. Her work inspires people to feel magical, and features positivity with a dark botanical twist.


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